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Meadowlark Mysore Ashtanga Vinyasa Program

ashtanga mysore yoga Sep 07, 2020

Mysore updates: 27th May 2021

Due to Government Covid restrictions our all levels Ashtanga Mysore program operates online and in-studio with our well established program.

All of the most up to date details are on this new webpage





In yoga and gratitude to you all,
Emma, Karen, Amy, Kirsten and the rest of our Mysore team x
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Online Workshop with Sarah Hatcher

On Thursday 9th July, Emma Isokivi and Sarah Hatcher chatted on IGTV and here are some nuggets transcribed from the conversation:

Emma Isokivi is our Mysore Director and a long term student of Sarah Hatcher’s.  On Saturday 25th July, Sarah is running a special 2.5hr workshop for us online (see more details HERE and at the bottom).

Emma:  Sarah why don’t you share a little more about yourself and your connection with Meadowlark?

Sarah: This is fun.

I got connected to Meadowlark Yoga because I came to Meadowlark in 2012 to guest teach and then I ended up staying and the story is a little bit long, but well just the good stuff is I was the director of the program there for a year and a half. Then we moved up to Aberdeen or I started a program up there at Love Yoga. And then we came back to Edinburgh and I was there for another four and a half years or so, and again taught as the director of the Mysore program.

So Meadowlark is, my really heart and...

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It's All About Balance

ashtanga mysore yin yoga May 20, 2020

Written by Kirsten Waugh, our Evening Mysore teacher and general class teacher at Meadowlark Yoga. 

I regularly teach yin yoga classes on the Meadowlark timetable but I’m particularly looking forward to a special moon day practice for our Mysore students this Friday morning.  (Booking details HERE)

I know that many of our students attend other classes outside of our Mysore programme and yin won’t be new to everyone. I also know that even the most committed Ashtangi is often also a keen cyclist, swimmer, rock climber, *insert your chosen activity here*.

Some of the theory we use in Yin Yoga comes from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Yin and Yang are sometimes described as polar opposites but there is no absolute, and one is relative to the other. Yin is cold, dark, passive, feminine, where Yang is hot, bright, active, masculine. The list is far reaching.

If we apply the principles of Yin and Yang to our daily activities many of us are spending more time...

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Online Mysore at Meadowlark Yoga

ashtanga mysore yoga Mar 20, 2020
NEW webpage with updated times and details HERE

Most up to date schedule is HERE


Click on the link: 
Passcode: yama  
All of our online Mysore offerings are on this meeting code. 
  • This is live streamed and not recorded. 
  •  This is only for your fellow Meadowlark Mysore practitioners. 
  •  Please mute your side of the channel, if direct dialogue and guidance needed, unmute and ask your teacher questions as needed.  
  • We will be able to see you (if you choose to use video) and will offer support and guidance. 
    • This method is about supporting our regular practitioners who already know how to practice with some maturity.  We will provide you with support, accountability and community to be able to find steadiness and growth in this unusual time.  
    • Just like the...
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An Update from Your Mysore Teacher, Emma Isokivi

Dear Mysore Practitioner, 
As a Mysore teaching team, we are committed to helping you sustain and grow your regular yoga practice.
During this rapidly changing time, we are planning to keep our Mysore doors and hours open for as long as reasonable and safe.  We will update you regularly if this needs to change. 
Maintaining your regular practice (whatever size/ shape/ or beyond asana that might be) is of the utmost importance in this challenging time.  It’s easy to push our wellbeing to the side during uncertain times, but this is the time to “double down” on your regular practices to be able to maintain steadiness and wellness for your body and mind.
We encourage you to:
- Practice at the same time as you normally do. (Tell family members/friends to give you space and support to do that if needed).  
- Move regularly. Physical activity plays an important role in your boosting your immune system and...
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Self Practice with Purpose

There can be a lot of obstacles to creating a consistent self-practice, including creating the time and space or just not finding the same energy for your practice as you would in a class.  However for most long-term practicing yogis, their self-practice gives them the opportunity to really delve deeper into the practice, to take time to explore poses, to listen to their bodies and to adapt their asana practice in order to support them through life’s challenges and transitions.  And for these and many other reasons, it can be the time during which little golden nuggets of insight occur.

I didn’t have a home practice until I decided to undertake my teacher training and I thought it was about time I tried to practice by myself, plus I was travelling and didn’t always have access to a class or teacher.  The only thing was I had no idea where to start. I’d been practicing yoga on and off for a long time, but had really started to focus on the...

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Pregnancy and the Mysore Room: do they go together?

Director of Meadowlark's Morning Mysore Programme, Sarah Hatcher, shares her experience and knowledge of practicing whilst pregnant in the Mysore room, and the various paths you can take if you would like to practice yoga if you are expecting.

“Simply trust the body and follow the breath.” Judy Cameron, Yoga of Birth

The Mysore room is the melting pot of transformation: when you walk in you immediately feel the heat, hear the music of people’s ujjayi breath, and witness bodies moving in the space with rhythm and pace. And you are pregnant. Do you belong in here?

You’re very welcome to be pregnant and practice in the Mysore room at Meadowlark Yoga. If you’re not here in Edinburgh, speak with your Mysore teacher about practicing as each programme is different; some Mysore programmes don’t want pregnant mammas in the room. This may be the case if the teacher isn’t prenatal trained or they haven’t had a baby of their own. The Mysore room,...

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