Advanced Training starts June 15th - still a few spaces left!

Pay It Forward

Current circumstances are making affordability a bigger obstacle than ever before. Even with lower prices for online access to livestream yoga, these fees are still beyond budget for many.

How can you help?

Spread the benefits of yoga by enabling access for someone else who might not be able to afford it just now. Your "pay it forward" purchase will be matched with an applicant who has registered their interest for sponsorship. We are launching our pay it forward page as a strategy to match up the people who have a bit extra with people who are struggling to find the means for access to our classes.

Your investment serves a greater purpose, as you're not only helping yourself plus one other person. Your generosity is also pumping liquidity into our small business to ensure we can keep offering yoga online and, hopefully, in the studio sometime soon. We are all looking forward, and now you have the option to pay it forward too.


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