Advanced Training starts June 15th - still a few spaces left!

Listening, friendship, evolution

Let's... pause.

You've listened to us talk about Remski's book, Practice and All is Coming: Abuse, Cult Dynamics and Healing in Yoga and Beyond, in Amy's two-part podcast. Those of you in the Mysore community at MLY perhaps engaged with Emma's purposeful conference after the podcast blog was released. Many of you went out and got the book and are now more engaged than ever in the dialogue.

So what now?

Now we are holding space to hear from you, so you can speak your mind. So you can talk to each other. So we can evolve together. Join us for a community discussion webinar as we float questions for our community to consider and chat about in a safe, semi-structured setting.
  • This event is being held to give the MLY community space to contribute thoughts and ask questions about power dynamics specifically in relation to Remski's book and the PRISM model we are working on. 
  • The BLM movement is a separate but related issue that deserves its own forum and we intend to continue our work around social justice using the tools we develop together through continued study of the problem space. This will take time. 
  • For now, it is our intention as a faculty to ask questions and then pause. These pauses are purposeful. We encourage YOU as community members to speak up during these moments, to us and to each other.

    • Be advised that some of the content could be triggering
    • Be advised that while we always aim to be respectful of the serious issues involved, the contributors to this event are friends and we use often use humour to cope. 
    • We feel that humour might help us all unpack the content and prevent us from shutting down or getting defensive. 
    • We want everyone to feel inspired to listen and to share the spirit of that respect and connection.
  • Our aims are:
    • to open dialogue
    • strengthen our relationships in yoga
    • increase our transparency as we all work through these issues together, and
    • ultimately to empower us all as individuals to make informed choices and to eliminate harm.
Contributing panelists:
  • Amy Hughes 
  • Emma Isokivi
  • Karen Kirkness
  • Lorraine Close
Everyone who registers will be off-grid using their hand-up emoji to get unmuted to speak, or you can use the chat and/or Q&A windows to contribute. 
The semi-structured flow of conversation: we the faculty will float questions out, one question at a time, and we wait for community members to speak up.


  1. What makes a good yoga teacher?
  2. What's the difference between students and teachers 
  3. How important is touch in yoga?
  4. What makes a good "yoga adjustment" vs a bad one
  5. What are some of the unspoken rules of the yoga shala that you wonder about
  6. What is the value in having "rules"
  7. When is it appropriate to change or adapt rules
  8. Who gets to decide
  9. Why?
  10. Is it important to have a grievance process?
  11. What would that look like in our community?
  • Lorraine floats the questions and promotes the dialogue
  • UNMUTE attendees for speaking: we will monitor the hands-up emojis to make sure only one attendee is unmuted at a time. 
  • Q&A BOX: one of us will steward the Q&A and read questions that you can put in the box anytime during the event.
  • CHATBOX: You can comment in the chatbox and we will read out the statements. 

You're invited to tell us a bit about yourself using this form, anonymously:



Trauma and Recovery- Judith Herman 

The body Keeps the Score- Bessel Van Der Kolk 



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