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Benefits of Cleansing

by Clare Fulton

Investing time and effort in Ayurvedic cleansing this Spring may seem like a drag. So why would you bother?

During winter, our bodies accumulate moist, heavy, sticky qualities (Ayurveda calls these gunas). These gunas are helpful in the winter to keep us warm, cosy and countering the harsh weather and dark days. However, as the spring flowers begin to show themselves (have you noticed them?) and the temperatures begin to rise, our bodies crave to let these attributes go. An Ayurvedic cleanse offers a gentle way to help shed the excess fat and mucus that has collected over the winter. Anything that is no longer needed, as we move towards the warmer weather of spring and summer is gently released. 

Doing this cleansing practice at the winter/spring juncture brings myriad benefits. I always feel light, bright and clear after doing a spring cleanse. I have more energy and I’m no longer bothered by seasonal allergies. Cleansing like this is a preventative practice which gives me confidence that I’ll be in good health all through the spring and summer. 

Do you want some of that light, bright, clear energy for yourself but feel hesitant about what you’re getting into? Please don’t fret. I’ve totally got your back. With the help of the Meadowlark angels, who manage all the back-scene stuff, I’ll be guiding your every step. This gentle cleanse is set up for you to manage it all at home and to help you succeed. We’ll supply you with all the instructions just as you need them, a shopping list, a kitchari recipe (courtesy of fantastic Kate O’Donnell) and support for the process via a private Facebook group.

Still got questions? Join me for an informal Q&A session on Monday 9th March at 7:30 via Zoom. Use this link: (You can try it out ahead of time if you like). I’ll be there to answer any questions or concerns you have prior to us starting on Friday 13th March. Look forward to seeing you there.

Are you ready to go?  Click HERE for sign up details.

Online Ayurvedic Gentle Spring Cleanse starting on 13/3/2020 Cost £35


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