Advanced Training starts June 15th - still a few spaces left!

It's All About Balance

ashtanga mysore yin yoga May 20, 2020

Written by Kirsten Waugh, our Evening Mysore teacher and general class teacher at Meadowlark Yoga. 

I regularly teach yin yoga classes on the Meadowlark timetable but I’m particularly looking forward to a special moon day practice for our Mysore students this Friday morning.  (Booking details HERE)

I know that many of our students attend other classes outside of our Mysore programme and yin won’t be new to everyone. I also know that even the most committed Ashtangi is often also a keen cyclist, swimmer, rock climber, *insert your chosen activity here*.

Some of the theory we use in Yin Yoga comes from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Yin and Yang are sometimes described as polar opposites but there is no absolute, and one is relative to the other. Yin is cold, dark, passive, feminine, where Yang is hot, bright, active, masculine. The list is far reaching.

If we apply the principles of Yin and Yang to our daily activities many of us are spending more time...

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The Next Wave at Meadowlark Yoga

We can hardly believe that it's been 2 months since we scrambled to adjust to our new world online.  We were so delighted with how many of you joined us for the ride, without even batting an eyelid - thank you so much for your support, and patience as we tackled the tech.

We are now settling into our new groove and making necessary changes to accommodate the financial shift that comes with the "new normal".  As a result, from 1st June 2020 will be increasing our unlimited monthly pass prices.  The new prices will be:

One Off 30 Day Livestream Pass - £50

Autorenew Monthly Livestream Pass (minimum 3 months) - £40

But there's still time to get on board with our current autorenew price of £25 per month.  If you sign up by 30th May you will be locked in to the £25 rate until you choose to cancel (minimum 3 month period).  Once you cancel, the new prices would apply from that point on.

So snag yourself a £25 autorenew pass if you...

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Pay It Forward

Current circumstances are making affordability a bigger obstacle than ever before. Even with lower prices for online access to livestream yoga, these fees are still beyond budget for many.

How can you help?

Spread the benefits of yoga by enabling access for someone else who might not be able to afford it just now. Your "pay it forward" purchase will be matched with an applicant who has registered their interest for sponsorship. We are launching our pay it forward page as a strategy to match up the people who have a bit extra with people who are struggling to find the means for access to our classes.

Your investment serves a greater purpose, as you're not only helping yourself plus one other person. Your generosity is also pumping liquidity into our small business to ensure we can keep offering yoga online and, hopefully, in the studio sometime soon. We are all looking forward, and now you have the option to pay it forward too.

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1-Hour Anatomy for Yoga Webinars with Karen K

Stuck for inspiration or just curious about anatomy? Join Karen on selected Fridays at 4pm for one hour of enthusiastic, fascia-aware, yoga-centric exploration of the internal workings using the Visible Body 3D software plus functional demo and Q&A.

These webinars are all now listed on our Trainings page, you can register for them individually via Zoom through to the easy PayPal payment. Your confirmation email contains the link, so just turn up on the day! Blow your mind with the awesomeness of anatomy, all dates from 1st of May through the 12th of June before Karen's 15-Hour CPD weekend of Level II Anatomy for Yoga (the Five Flows) on the weekend of 13-14th June.

All Zoomed, all full of love and wonder as usual.

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New Beginnings

Uncategorized Apr 13, 2020

“What’s happened to you?” one of my work colleagues asked me in 2017 and it wasn’t the first time this had been mentioned, so I was starting to get used to it. 

It was almost a year before the changes were as obvious to everyone else as they were to me.  But after the first few comments started coming, it suddenly seemed as though everyone had noticed. My work colleagues were the most interested and surprised. I work in a distributed team for a global, medical technology company, so often we go long periods without seeing one another face to face.  They would look at me in a kind of confused way and say things like “Have you changed your hair?” “Have you been on holiday?” or my favourite “Oh! Sorry Eve! I didn’t recognise you. That’s weird.           

It had all started (or finished, depending on how you look at it) back in 2015 when my life had...

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Spring into streaming!

Happy Easter, everybody, it's Karen here writing up a wee progress report for you. We are acknowledging the occasion by leveling up our tech another notch. Instead of manually creating Zoom events for each MBO class, logging the unique links into a spreadsheet, manually generating an email list of attendees and emailing these clients two hours before the start of each class (yikes!), then ticking all the boxes for attendance to follow up, we've found an app for that. Fitgrid, in fact. If this helps any other studios who are groaning under the weight of their MBO admin, even better! 

What does this mean for our community? Well, here are a few takeaways:

  • Fitgrid will send you an elegantly simple email with your link to the class approx 30 mins before the start time
  • Fitgrid emails the instructor too
  • We will use this platform to reach out to you for feedback
  • You tell us how we're doing and how we can improve!

Please be sure to check your spam tomorrow as the new system kicks in....

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Waitlist no more

Now that we are all a little more comfortable with living our yoga online, class numbers in our livestreams have exceeded the max given by our Zoom plan. We apologise that some of you have been unable to get a spot in our classes as the signups increased above 100 participants. But we are happy to announce that the class capacities are now up to 500. As you've invested in us, we've been able to invest in the next tier of account and can serve our community and even see it grow during these uncertain times.

No more waitlist. From today, you are guaranteed to get a spot in your favourite classes on our online timetable. Enjoy!

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Livestreamed Yoga Sessions: schedule expanding

You can view our Livestreaming in-studio Class schedule here. Once we are fully established in this reduced number of classes, Karen will be adding some of the following sessions to the schedule, which will streamed LIVE from the Kirkness home shala:

  • 90 Minute Low Flow (Monday mornings 10 - 11:30)
    • Join Karen for a powerful sequencing improv working around functional movement principles with variations of crouch, squat, lunge, and grounding postures that pair stability with fluidity. The sequencing is inspired by Karen's research around the axial matrix, opening and awakening movement through the myofascial slings. Not suitable for complete beginners.
  • 60 Minute Riff on Intermediate Ashtanga (1pm - 2pm Saturdays)
    • Join Karen for 60 minutes working around a section of postural yoga flow based on the Intermediate series of Ashtanga yoga. Suitable for those with Ashtanga experience.
  • 30 Minutes of Arm Balancing (5pm on Fridays)
    • Stop, drop, and balance on your...
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In-Person Classes are Canceled

Uncategorized Mar 20, 2020

Following the recent instructions of the PM, we announce the closure of our in-person classes, workshops, and training courses with immediate effect.

Our core teaching faculty will continue broadcasting classes from the studio via Livestream. Emma's Mysore programme will move to the Zoom platform

All training courses and workshops will continue via Zoom. 

Our Reception team is going on furlough, please sit tight and await instructions with regard to any existing bookings into our workshops and trainings. Our intention is to run these events via the Zoom platform, where the teachers will be teaching solo from the studio. Our Manager, Kirsty, is on her way to Glencoe to be with her parents. Our landline number will soon redirect to her mobile and, in due course, you will be able to reach her for an actual chat. 

Rest assured that your existing bookings for workshop/trainings will continue via Zoom at the highest level of remote instruction. We have been...

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Online Mysore at Meadowlark Yoga

ashtanga mysore yoga Mar 20, 2020
NEW webpage with updated times and details HERE

Most up to date schedule is HERE


Click on the link: 
Passcode: yama  
All of our online Mysore offerings are on this meeting code. 
  • This is live streamed and not recorded. 
  •  This is only for your fellow Meadowlark Mysore practitioners. 
  •  Please mute your side of the channel, if direct dialogue and guidance needed, unmute and ask your teacher questions as needed.  
  • We will be able to see you (if you choose to use video) and will offer support and guidance. 
    • This method is about supporting our regular practitioners who already know how to practice with some maturity.  We will provide you with support, accountability and community to be able to find steadiness and growth in this unusual time.  
    • Just like the...
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