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Covid safety for your in-studio Mysore class

We want everyone to feel as safe and as comfortable as possible to be able to attend our in-studio Mysore classes, alongside our extensive online offering. 

See below some finer details and points around a Covid “walk through”; entering and exiting your in-studio Mysore class so you can prepare in advance before arriving for the first time: 

  • As per all the general advice NHS/ Scottish Government, please stay at home if you are unwell or presenting any Covid-like symptoms. 
  • Please wear a face mask before entering the building. We will be asking all of our community to wear a mask in the communal spaces, until they reach their mat. 
  • There is a hand sanitising station before the internal glass door, please sanitise before using the keypad (code is as before, do ask the Mysore teachers/ knock on external windows if you can’t remember it). This keypad will be cleaned before, during and after each mysore session. 
  • There will be no sign in...
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In-Studio Update Summer 2021

Uncategorized Apr 30, 2021

We are delighted to finally share news of our beautiful Marchmont studio now optimistic for reopening to our community in person for classes in the coming weeks.

For details and updates on our Mysore programme, please check in here.

Our current plans, in line with government guidelines, are to introduce a limited number of small classes to our drop-in timetable from Tuesday 1st June 2021.  We hope that our timetable will continue to grow over the coming months.

To view our drop-in timetable, please click here.

In-studio pricing:

1 x In-Studio/Livestream Class: £15 (concessions apply)

5  x In-Studio/Livestream Classes £65 (concessions apply)

10  x In-Studio/Livestream Classes: £120 (concessions apply)

Monthly Unlimited (In-Studio/Livestream): £120.00

Monthly Unlimited autorenew (In-Studio/Livestream): £108.00

Please note the following:

  • Spaces are extremely limited.  If you purchase a block of classes but are unable to book as...
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A letter of news from our dear teacher Amy Hughes. 

ashtanga mysore teacher Feb 20, 2021

Dear Friends in Yoga,

I know the cold months of the winter lockdown have presented each of us various challenges. I do hope that as the spring bulbs shoot up, the days lengthen and the Covid numbers come down there is a sense of spring positivity breaking or at least on the horizon. 

During the hibernation period my partner Tom and I decided to move to Cornwall where my family is at the end of March. Lockdown has been a time of reflection and reassessment for all of us. For me, like many of you, my family are incredibly important. So with my parents getting older I have been feeling a deep desire to be just around the corner to spend time in a bubble with them. From Edinburgh I could fly to India faster than I could drive to Cornwall and I have found the distance a real struggle during lockdown.

My community at Meadowlark means the world to me and because of our virtual yoga shala, I will not be leaving you really. Here are the details of my continued offerings and commitments...

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Moon days for Mysore

In our traditional Ashtanga Vinyasa Mysore program here at Meadowlark we observe the “moon days”.  This means on the full and new moons we invite our community to take rest from our more regular practice of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga. 

There are a variety of reasons for observing the rest days, and for many who practice daily (6 days per week) the extra rest and observation of fluctuations in one’s energy over periods of time is welcomed. 

During these days we invite our community to focus on other areas of practice, including and not limited to prāṇāyāma, meditation, chanting, gentler āsana practice like yin yoga or Matthew Sweeney’s Chandra sequence.  It also invites you to observe the attachment you may have to your ‘normal’ practice.


After advice from Hamish Hendry of Ashtanga Yoga London (who follows the Panchang Hindu Calendar for their Moon day scheduling) and carefully observing our sunrise times here in...

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Dukha - suffering and how to remedy it

Exploring Yoga Sūtras 2.15 and beyond…. Suffering, its causes and how to avoid future suffering.

As we still find ourselves moving through these unpredictable times, days can feel challenging. I find myself observing difficult situations that arise frequently and how I react to those situations - be it disappointment, frustration, annoyance or fear. I feel things go wrong when I act from a place of misunderstanding - things go better when I take a breath, step back and attempt to engage elegantly with whatever is going on.

Read on to discover more about suffering from the context of the Yoga Sutra, the causes of suffering and how to avoid future suffering. 

YS 2.15 - For those with discrimination, suffering is to be found everywhere due to change (pariṇāma), pain (tāpa) and habit (saṃskāra) and also because the mind is in constant flux due to the guṇa. 

(Trans. D.Charlton, R. Roy) 

Duḥkha: the essential concern

Duḥkha is one of the main concerns of Indian...

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Starting Mysore style Ashtanga yoga

At Meadowlark Yoga, our Mysore program is a key element of what makes up our daily offering with 4 hours per morning in-studio and online and evening options also.  What’s a Mysore style class? Read more HERE


When we work with beginners in our Mysore community, we like to work in small groups, so there is lots of personal attention, and care can be given individually.  This means that we can cater for lots of different levels, bodies and abilities, we have a great belief that everyone can practice and take benefit from the Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga system. 


We new students!  So if you are brand new to yoga, just exploring or returning to practice again after a while know you that we have dedicated session for you to gain your confidence in over the coming months:

Ongoing courses

  • Wednesday 1900-2000 6 week Ashtanga Foundations & Level 2 4 week courses: BOOK HERE
  • Tuesday & Thursday 1000-1100 4 week Ashtanga Foundations...
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New Year, New Focus

Dear Meadowlark Community,
This is not a year when we get everything we want, but when we are grateful for everything we have. I write this as the studio owner and founding teacher of Meadowlark. Our team thought we'd share our plans ahead of the festive period to give our community some time to reflect over the holidays.
The truth has a way of emerging and showing itself, and it is up to us to see it for what it is and make the most of the circumstances. With that in mind, this is the truth I've seen emerging over the last few months: we are unable to offer In-studio Drop-in classes in the new year. I know you all know the reasons for this, but for clarity, our administrative ninja, Elise, has put it quite succinctly:


  1. It is already unsustainable to run reduced number of classes at such a severe financial loss indefinitely.

  2. The in-studio timetable requires considerable front desk staff for safety/smooth running.

  3. Multiplied workloads with additional...

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Reasons to celebrate

holidays maitri yoga sutras Dec 15, 2020

Given that we are daily reminded of the reasons to be careful and cower in our homes, we at MLY feel it is the right time to celebrate the benefits of online yoga practice.

1. Practice in your PJs. Obviously, this is the best thing to come out of 2020.

2. All the learning. All manner of learning instantly and affordably available on your iPhone. It's almost too much. I think I just finished a course on quantum sound healing?

3. The moment. If ever there was a year when you must NOT plan ahead, this is that year. The only place we can really be is here and now!

As we bauble along toward the holidays, friends, let's always remember that happiness is a choice. Now more than ever, that slippery slope of anxiety can easily catch us unawares during those inescapable moments of uncertainty.

Our message to you, and to ourselves, is that regularly reaching out to friends for support can offer lifelines of stability when things start to feel especially dark. There is also a treasure of...

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The Obstacles and Interruptions to Our Practice and the Remedies to Support by Nadine Watton

Uncategorized Dec 07, 2020

As the days become increasingly shorter it can sometimes be hard to find the motivation to practice. I have personally been finding it tricky this year to emerge from my cosy bed early on these dark mornings. Also - finding ourselves in the Zoom world, as amazing as it is, I can appreciate how it can be challenging to log on - we can get so wrapped up in things and we’re at risk of screen burnout. Some days can be a lot easier than others and that really is understanding that our yoga practice is just that…. It is PRACTICE, not performance. We need to give ourselves an internal break and not give ourselves a hard time when things feel obstructed or interrupted. 

I have been including some concepts from the Yoga Sūtra in my classes this season - mainly around the Antarāya, their symptoms and the remedies to alleviate them. I thought it would be nice to write a little about it for you to consider and hopefully give some food for thought over the winter months. Here...

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Practicing in the Changing Seasons

Written by Emma Isokivi, our Mysore director, for ideas about how to have a successful practice in the colder months of home practice ahead. Geared towards an Ashtanga/ Mysore student but lots of take-away ideas for any yoga practitioner. 


There’s no denying that many of us are feeling the change in the season and temperature, especially for those who are jumping onto our mats in the early mornings.  As we continue to practice at home because of Covid regulations, it’s extra important that we find ways to navigate this season so that we don’t slowly creep into rigamortis over winter. 

Firstly, acknowledge that it can be harder. It’s darker, colder and many of us are practicing at home for the first time ever in our yogic lives. 

In Ayurveda we call this the “vata” season, drier, windy, rougher, colder in its Autumn nature. 

We are all in this together, and having a community to help support stoking your fire...

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