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Our 100 Hour Advanced Summer Yoga Intensive

The Meadowlark Yoga teaching faculty have designed this Summer Intensive to support experienced practitioners and teachers of yoga.

Scroll down for more information about the Summer Intensive experience, and see it compared to our 300 and 500 Hour trainings. 


Ancient techniques from a modern perspective

The intention of Avid Yogi is to bring together the study of yogic texts and physical practices with a contemporary approach to yoga teacher training.


Our approach is rooted in the study of gross and subtle body anatomy. The Advanced Training sessions take a deeper look at the Intermediate Series of Ashtanga yoga to find its softer side as well as taking you to your edge. We focus on giving and receiving adjustments, modifying for different specificities, and contextualising practice for all levels.


Informed by the Sāṃkhya philosophy of yoga, our instruction fits in the framework of cosmology as yoga sees the body as nothing separate from the rest of the material Universe.  Our study of yoga philosophy is focused on a juxtaposition of classical and contemporary texts to honour its history while framing the evolution of yoga in a critical context.


We really DO this stuff. Yoga is our passion, our playground, and our pub. What is yoga if it doesn't make us nicer people? What sets our faculty apart as a cohort is that we bring our decades of experience as individuals together in friendship. We acknowledge each other's differences and find common ground in the sharing.

The Avid Yogi 300 Hour Advanced Training

This rigorous and inspiring course takes place over 3 x 9-day Summer Intensives. The curriculum for each of the 3 Summer Intensives is designed by one of our trio of senior faculty and delivered by all three.

Take a peek at the curriculum for the next three years here.

2020 Syllabus 2021 Syllabus 2022 Syllabus coming soon

Our Home Team

We deliver 90% of this training in the same intimate space where we practice as faculty. Spaces are therefore limited!

Sample Training Day

Download this PDF to see a sample of what our Advanced Training days look like.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few of the most commonly asked questions. For a full download of allll the FAQs, see the section below this one.

All our in-studio Advanced Training takes place annually over 9 days in June.

2020: June 20th - 27th

2021: June 19th - 26th

2022: June 18th - 25th

Our intended fellows are practitioners who have a preexisting 200 Hour qualification and/or at least 5 years of serious experience with yoga. Proficiency in the Primary Series is very helpful. All applicants should have a daily yoga practice of some kind, whether in a shala or at home. We ask that you provide a teacher as a reference.

Good question! As much as we are all moving toward a translineage utopia, it helps to have a common denominator. All our trainings are based on a contemporary view of the lineage of Krishnamacharya.

Although our faculty have all grown up amongst a rich variety of influences, the Ashtanga method is one that has stood the test of time. As such, the practical context of our training is rooted in the Primary and Intermediate series as developed in Mysore, India. We aim to teach from this method from the heart with open minds and safe hands.

Anyone applying to our Advanced Intensive should have at least a foundation in the Primary series. However, our uniqueness as a faculty is our commitment to forging the connections amongst tradition, science, art, and compassion. Short answer: Ashtanga, with a difference!

By intensive, we pretty much mean all the implications of INTENSE. Our faculty put everything into the design and delivery of these trainings, and expect full commitment in return.

This is a nine-day series of sessions that are alternating from dynamically physical, radically introspective, joyfully social, personal, collaborative, philosophical, professional, academic, intuitive, and everything in between. 

We need our practitioners to show up to session every morning, whether through discipline or enthusiasm (usually some varying mixture). Showing up means arriving on time, ready to practice (whatever that means on the day), and open to giving and receiving honesty from start to finish. Every day for nine days. Intense!

We are developing our virtual classroom space to offer 10% of our Advanced Training hours online with plenty of bonus instruction and support. This is in line with the new Yoga Alliance (USA) standards for Registered Yoga Schools (RYS).

It's always best to ensure you are able to attend all the training dates for a course you intend to complete. That said, life often throws unavoidable curveballs our way and sometimes you have to leave early, come late, or miss a day.

We designed our Training Make-up Policy to ensure that all our Trainees have the best possible chance to successfully complete the minimum attendance requirements to graduate. It is in everyone's interest to find a positive route to achieving training goals, and basic attendance is fundamental to success. We set out the make-up options clearly in our Terms & Conditions so there are no surprises and everyone knows what is expected. These options are so important that we have a dedicated Make-up Policy that acts as a contract we all agree to before starting our training together.

Where hours of a training must be missed due to extenuating circumstances, make-up hours can be arranged. For known dates, it is best to get makeup hours pre-arranged before the start of the course. If something comes up during the course and a trainee has no choice but to miss hours, they can refer to the Make-up Policy for options to make up the hours required for successful completion of their training.

You can find the Reading List for all our Advanced Training here.

Well, aren't we all at some point? Injuries, disease, malaise, and changes in condition come in all shapes and sizes and none of us is immune. We can work with injuries. What we can't work with is pain or patterns fed by overly ambitious commitment to unrealistic goals!

Do not sign up for this Training if you are too tired, in pain, or otherwise overburdened to enjoy it. Seek treatment and self-care first, do your healing, then come back to us when you've made the space for thriving.

We feel you on this one. Love it or hate it, Ashtanga Yoga as developed by Pattabhi Jois with his guru, Krishnamacharya, is a main basis for modern yoga as we know it.

Our Trainings riff on and even rebel in response to what our faculty have parsed out of their Ashtanga roots for the last two decades. Rest assured that the Primary and Intermediate series are where the ideas begin... not where they end... and our approach is inclusive, moderate, and supportive.

Above all, we adapt the practice in conversation with what has come to light in recent years about guru worship. So if you don't love Ashtanga as previously experienced, take heart. With us, you'll encounter a version of it that is fresh, creative, and empowering.

Karen Kirkness - Meadowlark owner and founding teacher, 20 year yoga practitioner, holder of two masters degrees, former cyclist, subtle and gross anatomy enthusiast, all around dog's body and mother of two very young children.

Nadine Watton - Meadowlark founding teacher, 20 year yoga practitioner, former dancer and arranger of flowers, Yin & Restorative specialist, all around creative genius and mother of two young children.

Amy Hughes - Meadowlark Mysore team teacher, assistant to John Scott, 20 years yoga experience, fourth series Ashtanga practitioner, holder of a degree in literature, surfer, general badass and baby whisperer of indisputable talent.

Avid Yogi is the name of the Teacher Training Programme at Meadowlark Yoga. The idea behind it is to focus on the the love of yoga that unites us rather than emphasising divisions between styles.

Dates and details

Our FAQ PDF contains useful information and links to all kinds of resources about the dates and details of all our Training and CPD workshops for 2020 and beyond.

Compare Pricing Options

This section shows a comparative breakdown of what our Trainings cost.

100 Hour Advanced Summer Intensive



9 Days

Summers Only

By Application

200Hr required

Ashtanga required

100 Hour CPD issued

YACEP accredited


300 Hour Advanced Training



% Commitment Discount

3 Summer Intensives

200Hr required

Ashtanga required

Online membership included

300Hr Cert issued

Yoga Alliance accredited


500 Hour Complete Training



% Commitment Discount

flexible dates

finish as short as 2 years

finish as long as 5 years

starts with 200Hr Cert

3 Summer Intensives

Online membership included

300Hr Cert issued

Register as 500 Hours with Yoga Alliance


"I loved every minute of this course, even the hard parts have taught me so much. It’s so hard to explain to people what’s involved because it has been so rich. I’m lucky that this isn’t the end & I’m so glad Meadowlark is my ashram."


50% Complete

Two Step

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